Storage settings
Price of grain at harvest
Seasonal price increase
Quantity stored for sale (kg)
Quantity stored for sale (t)
Monthly weight loss in %
Loss reduction in %
Seasonal profit
$<% model.seasonal_profit | number : 0 %>
Profit during investment period
$<% model.profit_during_investment | number : 0 %>
Profit per tonne per year
$<% model.profit_per_tonne_per_year | number : 0 %>
Investment settings
Investment period
Available cash deposit
Loan size
Interest rate
Compound interest
<% model.compoundInterest | number : 2 %> %
Total cost of loan
$<% model.totalCostOfLoan | number : 0 %>
Max. amount for investment in storage
$<% model.totalAmountAvailable| number : 0 %>
Total financial liability
$<% model.totalLiability | number : 0 %>
Budget per tonne
$<% model.budgetPerTonne | number : 0 %>
Minimum duration of storage
<% model.minimumStorageDuration | number : 0 %>

<% %>

Category: <% model.selected_technology.category %>
Storage period (months): <% model.selected_technology.period_min %> to <% model.selected_technology.period_max %>
Storage capacity (kg): <% model.selected_technology.capacity_min %> to <% model.selected_technology.period_max %>
Life span (years): <% model.selected_technology.life_span_min %> to <% model.selected_technology.life_span_max %>
Initial cost (US$): <% model.selected_technology.initial_cost_min %> to <% model.selected_technology.initial_cost_max %>
Annual cost (US$): <% model.selected_technology.anual_cost_per_weight_min %> to <% model.selected_technology.anual_cost_per_weight_max %>
Pest control type: <% model.selected_technology.pest_control %>
Annual pest control cost (US$): <% model.selected_technology.annual_pest_control_cost %>
More details NRI technology database